Wednesday, October 20, 2010

In April, Maya Angelou was interviewed by Oprah on her 70+ birthday. Oprah asked her what she thought of growing older.

And, there on television, she said it was 'exciting...

'Regarding body changes, she said there were many, occurring every her breasts. They seem to be in a race to see which will reach her waist, first.

The audience laughed so hard they cried. She is such a simple and honest woman, with so much wisdom in her words!

Maya Angelou said this:

'I've learned that no matter what happens, or how bad it seems today, life does go on, and it will be better tomorrow.'

'I've learned that you can tell a lot about a person by the way he/she handles these three things: a rainy day, lost luggage, and tangled Christmas tree lights.'

'I've learned that regardless of your relationship with your parents, you'll miss them when they're gone from your life.'

'I've learned that making a 'living' is not the same thing as making a life.'

'I've learned that life sometimes gives you a second chance.'

'I've learned that you shouldn't go through life with a catcher's mitt on both hands; you need to be able to throw some things back...'

'I've learned that whenever I decide something with an open heart, I usually make the right decision.'

'I've learned that even when I have pains, I don't have to be one.'

'I've learned that every day you should reach out and touch someone. People love a warm hug, or just a friendly pat on the back...'

'I've learned that I still have a lot to learn..'

'I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.'
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Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Not worth living for, definitely not worth dying for...

Was cooking breakfast in the morning today when a fly flew across me and I snapped my hand to scare it off, probably a few drops of water from my hand fell onto the pan and it made the hissing sound of water evaporating. The chain of thoughts that followed are as below:

-Was it the fly that sat on the pan and got fried?
-No it would know the pan is hot, if it went near it.
-Radiation of course.
-Did god create radiation to warn off creatures of hot objects?
-What if radiation wasn't there?
-Are there only 3 ways of transmission of heat energy?
-Could there be a fourth way?
-Like energy collapsing into a black hole in one point in space and coming out in another.
-What will finally happen to the black holes?
-Will all the universe finally convert into numerous black holes?
-Will all the black holes start collapsing into themselves, contracting the whole universe into one point?
-But how is it possible, the universe is expanding.
-But if the black holes at the center of the universe start collapsing into one another, they will become powerful enough to slow the expansion and probably reverse it too.
-What will happen then?
-The universe as we know it will start collapsing into one point!!!
-Probably at a point of time, before the whole universe has actually been sucked back, chances are we may have a premature big bang.
-Is it possible to have a premature big bang?
-Or did god put in just enough matter in the space, that until the whole of it has collapsed into a point, big bang won't happen?
-Imagine, big bang waiting for that last particle, which is leisurely floating in the empty space.
-On the other hand if god was a little liberal and put in extra matter then we will have a premature big bang.
-We will then have 2 universes, one older and cooler on the outside as a shell and another, newer hotter inside, ever expanding.
-A new species will be born and they will know the universe as the only thing existing since the beginning of time. Since their big bang.
-But if I survive on one of those cooler outer sphere of the previous universe, what will I see?
-Who knows there is already an older universe beyond the boundaries of our universe.
-Who knows there are versions of universes, each one wrapping the newer one, each one colder, each one bigger.
-Which means that even if god was liberal and he put in a little extra matter, with every big bang, critical mass required will keep getting refined and, with each big bang, the older universe will become thinner and thinner, till an equilibrium is reached.
-Which means there is a possibility of...

And then the cab came...
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Sunday, October 3, 2010

What is life?

2230 hrs, sunday night, sitting on thiruvanmiyur beach (12deg 58min North, 80deg 16min East).

What is life?

I am listening to 'kandisa' by indian ocean. Looking at the stars, from in between thin wisps of clouds. An airliner passes by now and then, and I try to follow its trajectory from one end of the sky where I noticed it for the first time to the other end where I see it for the last time.

In front of me, the waves don't get tired trying to get beyong the sands. They want more, keep coming back to the shore as if something that lies on this side is a yearning they'll never get over with. These waves, in their endless pursuit, haven't they forgotten something.

I get reminded of the book, hitchiker's guide to the galaxy. The purpose, the very essence of it, in our lives.

What is life?

I ask again because the answer is very important. Is it to love and be loved? Is it achieving success in each of our very own definitions? Is it reaching our goal? Is it fulfilling some prophecy? Is it getting happy? Is it dedicating ones life for a cause, to a cause?

What is life?

I keep asking myself and I don't get a good enough answer. As the night grows, frequency of flights approaching chennai or crossing chennai airspace increase. So much so that I am seeing 3-4 flights at the same instance, at different speeds (which means different altitudes) and going or coming in different directions. Are people on those flights aware of the answer to my question?

What is life?

What will happen if I really found out the answer? Is it really what I am looking for? Why do I keep coming back to this question? Isn't it too big for a person like me, a lesser mortal, with no great purpose, no divine destiny?

What is life?

Time. It never stops. Life does. Is there a place where time stops? And life doesn't? Beyond the nonchalant waves, simmering along the horizon, all these ships that line up every night in the high seas just off the harbour limits, do they know a place where time stops?

What is life?

The airliners. They never stop. From all parts of the sky they appear as a tiny dot flashing, slowly and slowly they take shapes, more lights along the wings and bodies are visible, so that you can make out the nose, the belly, the tail, the wings, but never the windows, and the flashing continues, now in a pattern, unique for every aircraft in the world,I am told, till the time it again starts to fade, till the time the flashing is just a tiny dot far away in the skies, and blip its gone, forever.

What is life?

Something with a start, an end and something in between. Something.

What is life?

Are these signs...
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Friday, October 1, 2010

A rainbow cloud!!!

A wow capture...

See the top of the cloud. Never seen clouds with these colours...

Till the next amazing click.
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Tuesday, September 28, 2010


Here I am, lost in the light of the moon that comes through my window.
Bathed in blue, walls of my memory divides the thorns from the roses.
Its you and the roses.
Touch me and I will follow, in your afterglow.
Heal me from all this sorrow, as I let you go.
I will find my way, when I see your eyes.
Now I am living, in your afterglow.
Here I am, lost in the ashes of time, but who wants tomorrow.
In between, the longing to hold you again i am cast in your shadow.
I am losing control.
But mind drifts away.
We only have today.
Touch me and I will follow, in your afterglow.
Heal me from all this sorrow, as I let you go.
I will find my way I will sacrifice till the blinding day when I see your eyes.
Now I am living in your afterglow.
When the fields are gone, as i let you go.
As i let you go.
Touch me and I will follow, in your afterglow.
Heal me from all this sorrow, as I let you go.
I will find my way, I will sacrifice.
Now I am living in your afterglow.
Bathed in blue, the walls of my memory divides the thorns from the roses.
Its you as closest.
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Beautiful Sunsets

'Pic-logging' after a long long time...

I really miss my dslr on site...

Till the next beautiful click, because that is what life is full of...
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Sunday, August 15, 2010

@ elliots beach

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Tuesday, July 27, 2010

I am alone or not..?

Watched inception yesterday.

Don't know what to feel... Everybody needs a totem to break free. A totem which others don't know about.

My dreams betrayed me. What more does one wish in life, other than the whole life itself, that is... Perhaps.

Having lived life the way it could be lived, why did I try to live it the way I knew it shouldn't be? Whatever you sow in this life, you have to reap in this one only... Nothing gets passed on. Your deeds, good and bad all get awarded right here, while you are here and he is here... Maybe even he doesn't trust time... That too two life times and the limbo in between... Who has the time to remember his past doings and givings... Least of all what is due on his behalf.... Good or bad.

Nevertheless, life goes on. And if 'many masters many lives' is anything to go by, 'lives' go on on a learning curve. The stages of my soul, my spirit. And I always thought my soul is of the higher league. Bullshit. Yes!!! Plain, bullshit.

How many times in your life do you bullshit yourself. Ha, some people make a living out of it. Bullshiting thyself. What could be worse than bullshiting oneself, bullshiting oneself unconsciously. Hahaha...

So coming back to the bullshiting part - yes, I confess I have bullshited mine self numerous times... Have enjoyed doing it. Have felt bad if people don't acknowledge me bullshiting mine self. Have missed bullshiting when I am unable to do it. Have dreamt mine self winning the Oscar for bullshiting.

What goes around, comes around. I have gone round and round around, only to reach back where I started off from. What goes around, comes around. Why did it have to go around in the first place? And... as if all this going and coming around was not enough, I had the moral question poking me.

Moral question!!? What's that supposed to mean, now you'd want to ask. The right question, rather, that is if you ask me, would be why a moral question?

Moral or immoral, what is that isn't?

Right or wrong, what is that isn't?

The answer lies within, or without. I never could find out. Not in this life so far. Have already stopped looking for it, so definitely maybe sure, it aint happening in this life anyways. That is when I realised, the truth that is, about my soul...

The more you learn, the more there is to learn. The more there is to learn, the less learned you feel. The less learned you feel, the more you want to learn. For any soul, whereever the above chain gets broken, life stops getting lived. Souls start dying. So learn, let your soul learn. Let it live and flourish and grow and...

See, bullshit again. I am telling, you people like me live on bullshiting, we eat, drink, sleep, breathe bullshit. We smell of bullshit. Our life is incomplete without bullshit. So much said and it all sounds very similar to one thing... Bullshit. I am sick and tired of bullshiting, then cribbing about bullshiting, then bullshiting about cribbing...

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Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Caught @ IITM

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Beautiful sunsets

Feel sorry I wasn't carrying my dslr...

Had to manage with my mobile in a moving car.

But this scene is a once in a year kind of... And couldn't help but snap it in...

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That's how an OFC cable is joined...

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Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Morning views

The view I woke up to today morning...

Don't know when next???

Till the time living on hope...
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Monday, June 14, 2010

Winding roads

Following the footsteps of golu...
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Sunday, June 13, 2010

My school

Bikaner Boys School... Famously called BBS...

My Alma Mater

Till next time...
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Sunday, June 6, 2010

Sahara star hotel from inside

That's what it looks from the inside...

Have come here for akhil's marriage today...

Till next time...
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Sunday, May 30, 2010

Pandav gufa

Legend has it, that the pandavs stayed here, locked the entrance to the gufa and it can be opened with a mantra... Inside lies huge treasures...

Well as I said, legend has it.

Till the next exploration...
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The mighty mountain

The rocky mountain / hill I climbed up and down. This is the side I came down from. Awesome place, thanx to anna and his brother-in-law... Another trip to exploring the native interior south...
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Caught on the camera

A top secret govt vehicle fully loaded with surveillance stuff and antennas jetting out all around the

Jokes apart, a mobile govt vehicle saw ahead of me one morning and managed on camera.

Till next time...
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One of the oldest models of maruti suzuki 800 launched in india... Caught on camera by fluke. Look at the number plate.

One of the most exploring trips... Loved the rocky hill climb. Pics follow in the next post.

Till then...
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Monday, May 17, 2010

That's me

Yesss. For all those thinking who the hell sold the world...

Till the next time...
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Sunday, May 16, 2010

Alambara fort

So much for trusting google maps on your way to nowhere...
Awesome "place in ruins".

A fort built by mughals - dost ali khan - in 17th century... presented to french... Destroyed by the british.

Am coming back here next weekend for a swim in the backwaters...

P.S. : I fell in love once again... With my car...
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Friday, May 7, 2010


The 2 pics are taken side by side coastline. The contrast is visible.

Till next time...
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